Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why would the AFL CIO union support a democrats since they want to get rid of the big oil business?

AFL CIO is the largest oil refinery union for the oil refinery workersWhy would the AFL CIO union support a democrats since they want to get rid of the big oil business?
Here is a lil bit of logic for ya, why would the AFL CIO try to put the businesses that employ their workers out of business?

Then their workers don't get paid. And the fact is that the oil companies which currently have RECORD profits could afford to pass some of that money down to the little guy, which is what Bush and the Republicans DON'T want.Why would the AFL CIO union support a democrats since they want to get rid of the big oil business?
because they dont. i dont know who told you that, but they were either uninformed or lying. democrats profit just as much from oil as republicans.

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